Canadian ELD Mandate: The Outline

August 22, 2019.


Transport Canada released the ELD rule outlining the requirements this year. While there remain chances of the release of additional elements, we expect the law to continue substantially intact and is slated to be effective from June 2021.

The fundamental objective behind the Canadian ELD mandate is preventing fatigued driving and improve on safe road navigations.

As per the Canadian ELD Mandate; the tamper-resistant electronic logging device (ELD), which automatically collects, supply and processes a driver's Hours of Services (HOS) data by combining driver input and data received directly from carrier's ECM unit. The Mandate is intended to ensure that the commercial drivers will drive within their daily limit. And accurately log their working hours. The ELD devices will track the driving hours and ensure that they comply with Canada's Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations. As per the Canadian HOS definition; a trucker is permitted to drive up to 13 hours during a day after at least eight hours off-duty.

The basic specification, as published, for the ELD must include the followings;

  1. The device must have the automated logbook to record the HOS. The records need to be updated and error-free.
  2. The drivers should be able to update on all kinds of duty status (like On-Duty, Off-Duty, Sleeper Berth), unusual driving conditions, new assignments.
  3. The data can be shared quickly securely with law enforcement in a standardized format without any hassle whenever required.
  4. The device is needed to prompt the drivers logging to a vehicle with a warning indicating the violations, vehicle tracking, device malfunctions.
  5. The ELD devices must collect data, including the engine power status, vehicle motion status, vehicle location, engine hours, number of miles driven, and many more.

The Canadian ELD mandate applies to the commercial carriers who operate across provincial boundaries of Canada. The commercial vehicles operating solely within Canada's ten individual provinces do not require to comply.

This Mandate has adopted many of the provisions of the U.S. ELD technical standards found in the regulations. Unlike the FMCSA ELD mandate, the published rules state that Transport Canada has eliminated the 2-year grandfather period. As of now, there is no light enforcement period for the Canadian ELD mandate. So, the fleets already using e-logs do not have extra time allotted and are needed to ensure their devices are compliant by 2021 like everyone else. The other differences between Canadian and U.S. ELD's include;

The Canadian Mandate will apply to trucks manufactured in 1995 or after. The U.S. rule applies to vehicles from 2000 or newer. In Canada, drivers must display driving information to officials, but not at the same level of detail as is required in the U.S. This is because of Canada's measures in a different way. Canadian ELD mandate requires a change in status in personal conveyance if a driver goes beyond a 75km measurement within 24 hours. The U.S. ELD has different requirements. Another key difference is that the manufacturers can self-certify the U.S. ELD devices and then get registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Canadian ELDs must be third-party certified, not self-certified; the industry awaits more details on this process.

  1. The implementation of this device eliminates manual paperwork and enables drivers to be more efficient and productive on the road. The digitized log also reduces log errors drastically.
  2. The data generated from ELD implementation help the fleet companies to assign scores to the drivers based on their driving performance. The fleet managers can identify risky driving and take actions accordingly.
  3. ELD provides you with the tool to optimize the business and expand routes across international borders. Implementation of ELD enhances your long-haul operation beyond the country limits. The device also makes you compliant on fuel tax reporting (IFTA).
  4. The ELD implementation enhances route planning for optimized driving efficiency and productivity by utilizing the asset very well.
  5. The device has significant benefits in reducing the cost by limiting the truck idling, cutting down the legal and operational losses caused by HOS violations and effective routing, respectively.

In short, the Canadian Mandate requires the ELD system which applies existing hours of service (HOS) rules and reinforces compliance. The system also requires a third-party certification when it becomes available. As the Canadian ELD mandate has officially published the first draft, don't wait for the last minute for implementation.

TXT ELD already has the Canadian HOS ruleset available and is committed to working towards fulfilling compliance requirements as per the new regulatory policy.

If you're interested in learning more please, call 1-905-362- 1716 or e-mail us at Our 24 hours technical support team is always available to help you.

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