GPS Tracking Solutions

TXT provides advanced GPS Fleet Tracking Software through which you can monitor and Manage your Mobile Workforce with ease. We offer a built-in GPS Tracking Unit that is wired directly into the Asset and is Compatible with the Vehicles and can track location data accurately.

Asset Monitoring Using Geo-fencing

The Monitoring and Protection of asset is a Crucial part of fleet management, and one can achieve this by keeping Real-time Track of the Assets through the Geo-fencing process. In this process, you can create a Virtual Fence around a specific geographical location to be tracked using a GPS tracking unit. This process helps in identifying if an asset is inside or outside certain location boundaries. These fences are made up of a collection of coordinates (latitude and longitude) or in the case of a circular geofence one point that forms the center. We provide the best GPS solution from Qualcomm Technologies for Greater Location Accuracy.

Our application keeps a record of this information for later review and usage. TXT application can set a location Geo-fence in any shape or size. When a driver crosses the boundary of this set Geofence, Alerts & Notifications triggers the fleet Backoffice on the asset whereabouts. The geo-fencing feature tracks the asset activities within a specific geographical location. It is also a robust tool that contributes to benefits, including establishing Driver Accountability, Optimize Route Planning, Improving Daily Operations, and Increasing Overall Company Productivity.


Real-Time Location With
"Bird's Eye View"

Create Vehicle Movements
and Utilization of Statistics

Preventive Maintenance
and Remote Diagnostics

TOLL FREE NO : 1-833-TXT-ELOG(898-3564)